Today we are launching KOBH's newest collection, a total of nine pieces that are now available online and in both shops! To celebrate, we did a quick Q + A with Kathy about her work.
What's the name of your new collection?
This is collection is called intuition and it's a collection of quite a few paintings I did with a lot of changes and sometimes change requires intuition.
When did you start painting?
I've always painted, did it for many, many years but professionally I've wanted to take the leap and I've been so happy I did it.
What do you do when you're not painting?
When I'm not painting I'm usually sitting in front of the TV which is not a good thing but other than that I love to be outside a lot.
Favorite Cape Cod Beach?
My favorite beach is definitely Crosby beach on the bayside, it's so beautiful! They have a trail which is amazing.
Do you paint on location or from memory?
Great question, I do both but mostly I paint from memory and I use inspiration from locations on the Cape which is beautiful.

What advice would you give to starting artists?
I think it would be to do something you love and something that you're passionate about and to follow your intuition.